Remote Seduction Meditations


Magical meditations that easily and effectively guide you through connecting tso your POI for a sensual, memorable and powerful encounter.  Remote seduction is almost as effective as having a real life encounter.  I call it “spiritual sex” and often my readers will tell me it’s truly orgasmic.  I have a remote seduction program and sexy meditations that will have all men hot for you!

Remote Seduction Meditation Program

Sexy Meditations

What makes guided meditations more effective than just your thoughts?  You’re in a delicious state of relaxation and you’re visualizing as you listen so you don’t have to force a scenario or use your conscious mind to think and direct.  You get intimately involved in feeling the sensations as described to you and that’s 1,000 more powerful than imagination alone.  Your mate feels the excitement and intensity immediately.

My unique “secret technique” allows you to connect effectively and consistently so you aren’t just using your wishful thinking as a means of telepathy.  Go to my website today and listen to the recording on the Law of Physics and “entanglement”.  My secret technique uses entanglement and it works each and every time.

No other meditations use my secret technique since I literally wrote the book.  My books and meditations will make you the most powerful bitch on earth!  😉

Pussy Whip book

Remote Seduction Book

Steps to Attract Men With Remote/Psychic Seduction

1.  Get into a relaxed state of mind and try to get your mind into the alpha state.  It is the perfect state of mind because you’re able to tap into the universal energy.

2.  When you connect with your POI take your time to engage all of your senses.  Touch them, feel them, smell them and make the encounter as real as possible.

3.  Your POI will begin to feel powerful emotions toward you so treat them as you normally would.  Don’t be coy, flirtatious, aggressive or anything out of the ordinary.  Give them time to react to their emotions without “pushing the boundaries”.

4.  Get yourself aroused as well as your POI because that proves you are really connected.  Just as you can have an orgasm in your sleep, just by the power of your mind, you can get aroused enough during your visualization to really FEEL as if the encounter were real.

5.  After the visualization take time to bask in their energy, breathe in their essence, cuddle, kiss and bond.  Why?  You want more than a booty call so this ensures that they are emotionally attached.

6.  Remote seduction creates a bond between you and your POI that is like the feeling of “falling in love”.  If you believe it’s working, and it is, then you should not let fear and doubt creep in.

7.  You will be a magnet to all men so ENJOY IT!  Women should love the attention of the opposite sex as much as men love giving it.  Don’t sit around sad-faced because your POI isn’t beating down your door.  Enjoy the attention of others while you wait for him to react.

8.  You’ll get faster results if you use my guided BWD meditation because you will get into the magical manifesting faster, deeper and longer than trying to do it on your own.

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Why Do Men Love Bitches?

Girl Power

I’m tough, I’m ambitious, and I know exactly what I want.  If that makes me a bitch, okay.” – Madonna

Do men really love bitches?  Or, do they just love and respect women who know their worth, are confident and strong and won’t settle for less than they desire and deserve?  A true bitch may be just an entitled, obnoxious and overbearing woman who is accustomed to getting her way and NO ONE could tolerate that behavior for very long.  Friends, lovers or mates.  But a woman who knows how to stand up for her beliefs, her desires and does not settle for less is a “quality woman” and not a bitch.  Unless you cross her, that is!

How do you get what you desire in a relationship without being demanding, overbearing, obnoxious or considered to be a “bitch” by your mate?  Easy.  Go into the relationship with honesty, integrity and for heaven’s sake do not play games.  My suggestion is to be kind, honest and specific about what it is you are seeking in a relationship and don’t pretend that it is something other than what you want.  In other words, don’t pretend to love sex if you know you can pretty much do without except once a month when you are ovulating.  Don’t pretend to enjoy things because you know he does but the minute you get him you decide you’re tired of pretending.  Don’t tell him that you’re willing to move anywhere to be near him but then won’t move across town.

Kind, honest and specific is the way to have an honest relationship and one that will be lasting.  A friend and well known doctor, who is truly a catch in every way, dated a woman 2-3 times before she said to him “I want a relationship/marriage and I am not willing to waste an inordinate amount of time dating someone who doesn’t… so you have 6 months to either propose to me or we will be done”.  Sound harsh?  Maybe to those of you who fear losing someone by such honesty.  However, he married her before the 6 month period was up.  He found it highly attractive that she was not willing to compromise what she wanted or pretend to be okay until 6 months later when she expected something more.

It’s okay to be the “bitch” who says it’s not okay to be the third person in the relationship (behind his buds or “ex”), it’s okay to tell him you want a monogamous relationship (even if he walks away), it’s okay to say marriage is what you desire (even if he’s a confirmed bachelor), it’s okay to tell him you want children (even if you know he doesn’t), it’s okay to tell him your family is important (even if he is estranged from his), it’s okay to contact him whenever you feel like it (even if he only contacts you occasionally).  I have  friend who will call her man and make him FaceTime her if she wants to prove that he is where he says he is.  Does he balk at the idea?  No, because he knows she has trust issues with him (that he caused) and he cares more about assuring her than he does about the fact that it may be inconvenient.

Wouldn’t you rather lose the person early in the “getting to know each other phase” if they are not your match?  Or would you rather waste months (or years) torturing yourself, losing your self-esteem, having “on again/off again” breakups and enduring heartache ALL because you were afraid to speak your mind and risk being a bitch?  I am proud to be a card carrying “bitch” that doesn’t let anyone walk all over me, disregard my feelings and desires or not make me their number one priority.





two feet making a sign for the letter V in the word love toned

“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”  —  Parker Palmer

Loving yourself means that you honor yourself! Just as you honor others you will not allow someone to take advantage of you, abuse you, use you or be unappreciative of you. Because you love yourself you will set boundaries and not allow others to cross the boundaries. It’s when you don’t love and respect yourself that you allow others to disrespect you and mistreat you.

If you find yourself always doing more for others while receiving less, if you feel as if the world is on your shoulders, if you find that you give 100% in your relationship while your partner enjoys the fruits of your labor, and if you find yourself too exhausted to enjoy life then you are not loving yourself first. You have to take time to relax and regenerate! If you are the “giver” in your relationship, and your partner is the “taker”, some self-love is extremely important to your welfare.  Changing your belief about yourself will change the way you interact with others!

You may be under the misconception that sacrifice will make someone love you more and that is not the truth. Others will love and appreciate you when they feel you love, honor and appreciate yourself. Sacrificing for others does not make them respect you or love you! In fact, it may do just the opposite. You need to value and treasure yourself and what you have to offer to others. You are a unique, one-of-a-kind, beautiful soul and it is time you recognized and loved yourself AND your uniqueness.

One of the best ways to do this, especially if you have a hard time loving and accepting yourself, is through affirmations. Affirmations reinforce positive traits and as you listen or read the affirmations your mind set will begin to shift. It will be uplifting  to your soul, positive for your body and nurturing to your spirit. When is the last time looked in the mirror said “I love you”? Probably never! Maybe today is the day to begin!


Are you a “Fall Back Girl” OR “Girl of His DREAMS”?



  •  You dated someone for two months before breaking up and then you chase him for the next six months or more;
  • After two dates you’re already telling him you love him and began mentally planning the wedding;
  • None of your friends want to be around you because all you talk about is your current love (which seems to change regularly);
  •  You’re there for him 24/7 regardless of how little interest he shows;
  • You wait for an invitation all week and find yourself alone on weekends because he hasn’t made plans with you;
  • You initiate contact and he responds when he wants OR with vague messages;
  •  When he asks what you would like to do you tell him “whatever you would like” rather than express any desire whatsoever;
  •  You make excuses for his poor treatment of you;
  • You tell others (and believe) that he loves you too much and that’s why he doesn’t contact you;
  • You explain his lack of commitment is because he is afraid of being hurt rather than admit it is because “he isn’t that into you”;
  • You believe he is the “love of your life” when he is done little or nothing to show love to you;
  • If you break up he comes back and you welcome him home as his “fall back” girl until he leaves again;
  • You fear telling him no because you’re afraid he will leave and never come back;
  • You treat him like a king while your self-confidence has been destroyed.



  • You have no problem expressing yourself and your desires;
  • You know you’re a catch and you deserve to be treated with love, kindness and respect;
  • You would never allow yourself to be waiting around to see if someone is going to call because you have a life to live and you live it to THE fullest;
  • If someone says “I need time apart” you view it as an opportunity to meet new people;
  • You deserve love and commitment and you don’t settle for less;
  • If your mate says he wants a relationship break you let him go knowing that he will be back;
  • You don’t need to pressure a man because they WANT to be with you and admire your strength, self-esteem and determination;
  • Men love to be around you because you are not clingy and they don’t feel smothered;
  • You believe in a “win/win” way to resolve issues and don’t rehash the same argument over and over again;
  • You don’t lose your confidence because he seems noncommittal and don’t place all your worth on the opinion of one man (or woman);
  • You are too busy living your wonderful life to creep on someone’s social media;
  • It takes a while to win your heart because you view yourself with high regard and as a “prize” and don’t give away your affection to just anyone;
  • You desire to be in a relationship that’s healthy and would not settle for one that isn’t;
  • You let no man control you BUT you are willing to be an equal partner;
  • Not just anyone can pass your relationship criteria but when they do they appreciate your loyalty, love and devotion.

Only you can decide which one you are AND what you would choose to be!   I write relationship books for women who desire to be empowered and free from issues that have plagued them in the past.




When you tap into the universal energy and morphic field of “LOVE” anything and everything is possible!  You could go about your life and try to attract love by using all your womanly wiles but why wouldn’t you want to get fast, effective and sometimes immediate results?   Use psychic seduction and a love spell to completely seduce your man.

A “love spell” uses the energy that powers the entire universe and if you are trying to manifest using your own energy it is like comparing a AAA battery to a nuclear power plant.  Which one do you think would be most effective?

I have been counseling and teaching women my method for over 20 years but now I am offering my expertise and knowledge with a series of “FOR WOMEN ONLY” books available on  My guided meditations allow you to supercharge your manifesting!  Capture him with your beauty, with your brains, with your body AND with an easy “love spell”.  Ssssshhhh, it will be our secret!

Check out my book:  MANIFESTING LOVE: Using the Power of “LOA”, “EFT” & a “Love Spell”.


Manifest Love



My book will teach you the Law of Attraction, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and a Love Spell to supercharge your love life.  If you want to change your current reality, and create a life you’ve only dreamed possible, please check out my new book that was released on Valentine’s Day!

I have been counseling women for 20+ years and there hasn’t been one of them who hasn’t benefited from my techniques.  If you are open to change, desire love in your life, and want to live an empowered and “magical” life   —  now is the time to start.

Manifesting Love:  Using the Power of “LOA”, “EFT” and a “Love Spell” 

Also, my meditations are great to get you into the magical world of the “alpha state” of mind where it is easy and effortless to manifest your desires.


New Year Resolution – Focus On YOU!


“If you are hung up on your “ex” whether it was your love, your boyfriend or your husband NOW is the time to move forward.  The new year is an excellent time to “Cut the Cord” with him and attract positive things in your life.”

I am a relationship expert and I have counseled thousands of women all wanting the same thing.  LOVE!  I deal with broken hearts and women who have lost all hope of getting their “ex” back or finding new love.  Women who have put 100% of their effort into their relationship and given total control of their lives up to their mates.  Honestly, think about this for a moment….would you desire someone who clung to you like they would die if you were out of their sight?  Would that make you want to be with them more or less?  It may feel good at first but then you would feel smothered, irritated and stuck.  Being needy is not an attractive trait from either side.  Let’s break the neediness and replace it with a new, powerful YOU!

My suggestion for the new year is for ALL women who have been mourning the loss of a mate to move forward in 2017.  Don’t allow yourself to be stuck thinking about someone 24/7 because when you do it means that they are still in control.  You are at a distinct disadvantage because they are living their life, enjoying their life and you are miserable and stuck in the past.  There is no bigger waste of energy than to focus on the past.  You cannot change it!  The only moment in time that you have control over is this very second so make the most of it.

I challenge you to focus on YOU right now!  Focus on getting healthy, losing a few extra pounds or getting in shape, meeting new friends or potential partners, changing your wardrobe, your job, your hairstyle, your makeup and your life.  Stop focusing on all the things you don’t have and feel gratitude for the things you do have!  Take a few minutes every day to meditate and feel the peaceful state of total relaxation to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul.  If you like guided meditations go to my website and check out meditations designed to empower women specifically.  Everything from losing weight, creating health to controlling the “ex” through specific, targeted visualizations that will make him literally feel you as clearly as if you were whispering in his ear.

New year and new YOU!  The powerful, wonderful, strong and desirable woman that every man would be lucky to have.  Happy New Year!


Get Your Sexy Back!


Are you in a sexual rut?  Feeling like sex is the last thing on your mind?  You can change that today by easily and effectively changing the way you think.  Sure, that sounds too good to be true and too easy but it isn’t.

Your mind is a powerful tool and with my meditations/hypnosis MP3s available on my website you can get your sexy back in no time at all.  In fact, one session will start you on a new direction.  Orgasm?  Overcoming frigidity?  Remote Seduction?  Lack of confidence?  It happens to us all but you have the power and ability to go from “hot mess to GODDESS” in just a matter of minutes.

Your sexual attraction begins in your mind and the way you mentally see yourself.  Programming your mind is so easy to do BUT it is difficult to accomplish on your own.  Your subconscious mind desires for you to be what you see yourself to be but when you are feeding it negative thoughts it produces negative results.

There are over 40 meditations designed to empower you, make you feel sexy and desirable, change your relationships, control your man, attract money, lift your spirits and turn you into a LOVE GODDESS on my website.  Is it worth a few minutes a day to feel like a hot, sexy, desirable babe again?  😉


Relationship Mistakes Women Make


You know the saying “all is fair in love and war” but it seems to me, after 20 years of counseling women, that women can be their own worse enemy when it comes to relationships.  Do you see yourself in the following examples?

  • Your mate says “you’re too needy” and rather than back off and prove that you are an independent woman you stalk him which further alienates him.
  • Your ex states that he “hates drama” so you throw a temper tantrum when he blocks you from social media and his phone after a nasty breakup.
  • He says “I want to date other women” and you make the excuse that he loves you too much and is afraid of commitment so he gets a free pass while you sit at home alone and miserable.
  • He tells you that he cares for you as a “friend with benefits” woman and, although you want an engagement ring, you agree to be that for him thinking you can change his mind in time.
  • He may be honest and upfront by stating that “he never wants to get married” but you are positive that sex will be so awesome he will change his mind so you stay in a relationship for years and “waste your pretty” on him rather than find a man who is available.
  • When he tells you all the things that are wrong with you (or the relationship) you try convincing him that you are “the perfect woman for him” and he could never find anyone who would love him more.

Women love to make over things so part of the problem is the challenge of getting someone to change.  How many of your friends (or even yourself) have said “with a different hairstyle, clothes, personality, money, sexual appeal, etc.” he COULD BE the perfect mate.  He isn’t at the moment but if he changes he has potential!

When a man states emphatically that the relationship is not going anywhere I beg you to listen to him.  In the off-chance that he does change his mind he will hunt you down and crawl on his hands and knees to propose to you.  But, don’t hold your breath.  Why?  One big reason is that men do not respect women and hold them in high regard if they do not have self-esteem.

Let’s be truthful, if you have self-esteem you will not allow a man to treat you disrespectfully and/or take up your precious time to be a play toy.  You are honest and upfront and have no hidden agenda.  If you desire a monogamous relationship you won’t settle for less.  If you desire marriage you don’t pretend to be a free spirit who never wants to be tied down.  In other words, you are the person you are and you are proud of it!  He will always know what your standards are and that you will never be a doormat for him, or anyone else.

I write books about relationships but I have counseled women for many years on relationships, law of attraction, self-esteem issues and empowerment.  If you want to learn more about any of these subjects I hope you will go to my website because between my books and meditations you will find yourself growing stronger and more powerful day-to-day.   Do it for yourself but remember that “men love women who love themselves”.