The Miracle Mindset Program

Do you have problems using the Law of Attraction and getting what you want out of life? Want to change it so you are manifesting what you desire and deserve?  This may be my favorite program because it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

If you are one of the many, many people who have tried to use the Law of Attraction techniques without success, or with limited success, The Miracle Mindset may be the book for you. It will teach you simple and effective methods to shift your mindset, and let go of negative and repetitive thoughts, so you can more easily attract what you desire in life.  You see, it isn’t your fault that you keep attracting the things you don’t want.  It’s the mindset and belief you’ve created unintentionally during your entire lifetime – without even realizing it!

This mindset is ingrained into your psyche because it began at birth, and continues till this day, and it affects everything in your life.  You can’t force the mindset to change – try as you may to do it – but you can cause it to positively shift by using this effective program.

Are you ready to shift your mindset? In this book you will learn how to:

  • Stop sabotaging yourself and begin to attract more of what you desire;
  • Clear out your subconscious baggage from as far back as childhood;
  • Replace a defeated attitude with one of confidence;
  • Attract and resonate with a compatible partner;
  • Heal your body, mind and soul and create a healthy and energetic YOU;
  • Live an inner and outer world of love, gratitude and peace;
  • Have more self-esteem and self-worth than ever before;
  • Resonate with the energy of wealth and financial security;
  • Create a loving union with your mate through the power of your entanglement;
  • Have a better sex life and marriage by strengthening your energetic connection;
  • Initiate guidance and get answers from your subconscious or superconscious mind;
  • Energetically connect with others using a specific technique;
  • Live the life you desire to live!

Check out the book available ONLY on  The Miracle Mindset Book

Check out the program available ONLY on my website:  The Miracle Mindset Program

10 Things Men Find Sexy

woman on man's back

Men surveyed say it isn’t about the sexy appearance of a women that turns them on as much as the following personality traits. Physical attraction is a good start but it isn’t going to keep him hooked forever.  These traits just may….

1)    INDEPENDENCE  Men love it when a woman has her own life and world and doesn’t depend on him to be by her side 24/7 because she’s co-dependent.  They want a woman who loves her world and, although she desires a mate, doesn’t just need someone (anyone) to fill the role of mate.  They feel special when they are chosen if they think the woman can live without him IF he isn’t the “right” one.  It makes them try harder to please her and be a good partner.

2)   CONFIDENCE  There is nothing sexier than a confident person! That means that you’re comfortable in your own skin and, while you have imperfections as we all do, you don’t let them make you feel less beautiful.  Men say a woman who walks into a room with confidence, whether she rates a 10 or a 2, will get their attention over someone more beautiful but less confident.  When you know who you are, love who you are and value yourself as a woman you exude a confidence that radiates sexy.

3)   BOUNDARIES  Believe it or not men don’t want to take advantage of women and have them accept their bad behavior.  They want a woman who says “hey, not so fast buddy you aren’t putting it over on me” and is willing to walk away from the relationship if their mate doesn’t treat her right.  Women who become doormats lose the attention and respect of their partners and it’s difficult to get it back.  Set your boundaries early and let him know when he’s crossed them.  He will love it that you love yourself to do it and he will find it super sexy and hot.

4)   HONESTY  Playing games is best kept in the bedroom and not in a relationship.  Be honest about who you are, what you want in your relationship, what you expect from him and all other things big and small.  Hate football?  Don’t pretend to love it because he’s a football addict.  Let him know you’re only there because of him and he will love you more.  An honest woman is a confident, secure woman and there is nothing hotter.

5)   OPINIONATED  You don’t need to voice your opinion non-stop but don’t be afraid to upset the status quo by keeping your opinions to yourself.  Voice your concerns in the relationship, tell him he would look better in a different shirt, let him know when he’s displeased you BUT do it in a kind manner.  Be “kind, honest and specific” when voicing your opinion and then LET IT GO.  Harping on a subject will drive him nuts and away from you.  Having an honest opinion, even if it is totally opposite from his, is respected and sexy.

6)   SENSE OF HUMOR  Laughing in a relationship is the key to a longlasting future together.  Whether it’s big or small, at yourself or at something silly, laughter makes the relationship last.  Women who take themselves too seriously are a turnoff.  Women who enjoy being silly or outrageous are a turn-on.

7)   AFFECTIONATE  A touch, a hug, a kiss, holding his hand or any form of touching is the biggest turn-on for your guy!  Men say they love it when their mate reaches out to them and makes them feel desirable.  Don’t always wait for him to be the one to show affection.  Let him know you can’t keep your hands off him, in a non-sexual way, and he will be putty in your hands.  Men see affectionate women as confident women!

8)   POSITIVITY  Men interviewed say that women who look for the positive are much sexier than the women who try to be sexy.  While the elusive, brooding women in movies may look sexy it’s the positive nature in women that men can’t resist.  That woman who looks at the bright side of things, doesn’t go to the dark side (at least very often), talks about the positive things in the relationship and looks for the good in others exudes sexiness.  Having issues with your mate?  Spend 24 hours finding the positive in him and share those things with him (not all at once) and he will be putty in your sexy hands.

9)   FRIENDLY  A man wants a woman that his friend’s want to be around. If he loves you he will tell his friends all about your greatness because he wants to pave the way for them to like you.  Being open, friendly and engaging makes a man proud to be with you.  Whether it’s around men or other women don’t let your insecurities or jealousy out.  Friendly women aren’t afraid of other pretty, confident women because they are right there with them.

10) BOLD  Do things you wouldn’t ordinarily do and be open to new adventures. Men say they find boldness in women a sexy and endearing trait.  Trust that he wouldn’t ask you to do something that would jeopardize your life and be adventurous enough to try new and different things.  Being a sex goddess in his eyes makes it worthwhile!


Lanie Stevens’ YouTube Channel

Let’s make 2018 one of the best years ever by learning powerful, transformative techniques to make positive changes to your life.  Even if you have a life that you’re pretty happy with it never hurts to learn new ways to make it even better.  I hope you will sign up for my YouTube Channel because I will be sharing advice on relationships, Law of Attraction techniques and how to have a better life.

As a life coach and relationship counselor it is my pleasure to help each and every person desiring change to assist them on their journey.  I hope you will join me in making 2018 a beautiful year to remember.  Happy New Year!

YouTube Channel


two feet making a sign for the letter V in the word love toned

“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”  —  Parker Palmer

Loving yourself means that you honor yourself! Just as you honor others you will not allow someone to take advantage of you, abuse you, use you or be unappreciative of you. Because you love yourself you will set boundaries and not allow others to cross the boundaries. It’s when you don’t love and respect yourself that you allow others to disrespect you and mistreat you.

If you find yourself always doing more for others while receiving less, if you feel as if the world is on your shoulders, if you find that you give 100% in your relationship while your partner enjoys the fruits of your labor, and if you find yourself too exhausted to enjoy life then you are not loving yourself first. You have to take time to relax and regenerate! If you are the “giver” in your relationship, and your partner is the “taker”, some self-love is extremely important to your welfare.  Changing your belief about yourself will change the way you interact with others!

You may be under the misconception that sacrifice will make someone love you more and that is not the truth. Others will love and appreciate you when they feel you love, honor and appreciate yourself. Sacrificing for others does not make them respect you or love you! In fact, it may do just the opposite. You need to value and treasure yourself and what you have to offer to others. You are a unique, one-of-a-kind, beautiful soul and it is time you recognized and loved yourself AND your uniqueness.

One of the best ways to do this, especially if you have a hard time loving and accepting yourself, is through affirmations. Affirmations reinforce positive traits and as you listen or read the affirmations your mind set will begin to shift. It will be uplifting  to your soul, positive for your body and nurturing to your spirit. When is the last time looked in the mirror said “I love you”? Probably never! Maybe today is the day to begin!


Are you a “Fall Back Girl” OR “Girl of His DREAMS”?



  •  You dated someone for two months before breaking up and then you chase him for the next six months or more;
  • After two dates you’re already telling him you love him and began mentally planning the wedding;
  • None of your friends want to be around you because all you talk about is your current love (which seems to change regularly);
  •  You’re there for him 24/7 regardless of how little interest he shows;
  • You wait for an invitation all week and find yourself alone on weekends because he hasn’t made plans with you;
  • You initiate contact and he responds when he wants OR with vague messages;
  •  When he asks what you would like to do you tell him “whatever you would like” rather than express any desire whatsoever;
  •  You make excuses for his poor treatment of you;
  • You tell others (and believe) that he loves you too much and that’s why he doesn’t contact you;
  • You explain his lack of commitment is because he is afraid of being hurt rather than admit it is because “he isn’t that into you”;
  • You believe he is the “love of your life” when he is done little or nothing to show love to you;
  • If you break up he comes back and you welcome him home as his “fall back” girl until he leaves again;
  • You fear telling him no because you’re afraid he will leave and never come back;
  • You treat him like a king while your self-confidence has been destroyed.



  • You have no problem expressing yourself and your desires;
  • You know you’re a catch and you deserve to be treated with love, kindness and respect;
  • You would never allow yourself to be waiting around to see if someone is going to call because you have a life to live and you live it to THE fullest;
  • If someone says “I need time apart” you view it as an opportunity to meet new people;
  • You deserve love and commitment and you don’t settle for less;
  • If your mate says he wants a relationship break you let him go knowing that he will be back;
  • You don’t need to pressure a man because they WANT to be with you and admire your strength, self-esteem and determination;
  • Men love to be around you because you are not clingy and they don’t feel smothered;
  • You believe in a “win/win” way to resolve issues and don’t rehash the same argument over and over again;
  • You don’t lose your confidence because he seems noncommittal and don’t place all your worth on the opinion of one man (or woman);
  • You are too busy living your wonderful life to creep on someone’s social media;
  • It takes a while to win your heart because you view yourself with high regard and as a “prize” and don’t give away your affection to just anyone;
  • You desire to be in a relationship that’s healthy and would not settle for one that isn’t;
  • You let no man control you BUT you are willing to be an equal partner;
  • Not just anyone can pass your relationship criteria but when they do they appreciate your loyalty, love and devotion.

Only you can decide which one you are AND what you would choose to be!   I write relationship books for women who desire to be empowered and free from issues that have plagued them in the past.


Pussy Whip Manifesting


How do you manifest?  It’s so easy!   Please don’t try to make it hard because it’s actually super easy!  Think about it….we manifest every moment of every day whether we realize it or not.  What you are looking at and experiencing you have manifested either on purpose or accidentally.  Whether it is something you want or something you do not want it can be changed through your thoughts and intentions.

In my “Pussy Whip” book I discuss a technique to manifest a man back into your life.  The man could be a total dick but the fact is that regardless you have decided you want and/or need him back.  This technique is simple and straightforward and I give you specific instructions on how to do it!  You couldn’t screw it up if you tried!  And yet I receive emails every day asking me the same questions:

  • What is I can’t feel connected to him?
  • Is it working if he doesn’t say EXACTLY what I visualize him saying?
  • How do I know if I’m connected or in a subconscious state?
  • What happens if I stop using the technique?
  • Do I have to see him in my visualization?

Don’t try to make it difficult because it is so easy!  If you are seeing him in your mind’s eye then you are connected.  If you are relaxed then you are accessing a state other than your conscious state.  If he says something different than what you’re visualizing it’s okay.  You say the words because you want to feel the emotion and send that to him.  And finally, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU EVERY STOP USING THE TECHNIQUE?

If you are manifesting a life that is wonderful would you stop doing it?  NO!  Just as an athlete doesn’t usually stop working out because they perfected their body and ability.  You keep doing what you did to get to the happy state you are in.  So, if your mate comes back don’t stop using the technique on them.  Keep it up for 5 minutes a day.  Preferably at bedtime because it is the best time to manifest.  Or first thing in the morning while you are still sleepy and in a semi-conscious state.  Make it where the dude never wants to leave again by spending a few minutes visualizing your perfect, beautiful life together.