Letting Go Of A Relationship….

Can you get your “ex” back using the Law of Attraction?   How can you rid yourself of compulsive thoughts about your “ex”?  When should you let go of a relationship? These questions are emailed to me at least once a day and they are crucial in helping you move forward after a breakup.

Letting go of your expectations of getting back together can be the biggest hurdle you face in healing your wounds but you must do it for various reasons:

  1.  In order for the Law of Attraction to work you must send out your desire into the universe KNOWING that it is in the process of creating your desire and returning it to you.  That faith and belief will cause you to find peace while the manifestation works.  If you can’t truly let go in your heart and soul then you are unconsciously blocking the manifestation.  If you believe something wonderful is going to happen in your life then you are elated, happy, peaceful and content in that knowledge.  If you hang onto negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs you will find it pushes your “ex” further away and causes fear rather than peace.
  2.  Compulsively thinking about your “ex” lowers your vibration and creates fear of loss.  Fear is a low vibration and it must be released to manifest.  Change your thoughts when you think of your “ex” and imagine him crawling to your door, begging and pleading to have you back, and you will feel less fearful.  Keep that visual image with you when you find yourself obsessing over him.  The thought should put a smile on your face rather than fear in your heart.
  3. Some things aren’t meant to be and that may be true with your “ex”.  Remember, you broke up for a reason and that reason is called “incompatibility”.  Women tend to gloss over the hard times and remember only the things that were positive about the relationship.  Don’t forget the reasons for the breakup because they can assist you in moving on.  You should always be treasured, loved and treated well in any relationship, whether it is a love relationship or friendship, so don’t settle for less.  If you’ve spent significant time with your “ex” it’s natural to want them back because you don’t want to feel you’ve wasted your time.  However, it takes two people to desire the same thing for a successful relationship so don’t allow it to be one-sided.  Move on and find someone who desires what you desire if you aren’t treated like the treasure you are!


The Power of Subliminal Messages

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Your subconscious mind controls your destination but few people know how to program it with positive, life changing thoughts. Subliminal messages do just that!

Subliminal means that you cannot hear the messages because they are embedded into the background of sounds or music. These messages were used in movie theaters ages ago to advertise the popcorn and drinks and they worked but were banned because they were taking advantage of the unsuspecting public.

The subliminal recordings I have done are solely for the purpose of guiding you to get your “ex” back, helping you sleep or giving you positive affirmations. Why would these work in conjunction with regular meditation? First of all, you can listen to them anytime you want because they are not designed to get you into an alpha state of mind. Secondly, your conscious mind sometimes censors positive thoughts, because you don’t believe positive things about yourself or the situation, and it doesn’t allow the thoughts to influence your subconscious mind. Thirdly, it takes no time out of your day since you can listen while you are working, driving or anything you desire to do.

I have had amazing success stories from readers and “listeners” from all over the world. Meditation works wonders and the addition of subliminal MP3s has boosted the success rate even more. I am adding new meditations to the 50 I have on my website now because I want every woman to experience love, happiness, positivity and empowerment. Every woman should feel as if she is beautiful, lovable, strong, desirable, precious gifts because they are.

If you want to begin to change your sex life, learn remote seduction techniques, raise your self-esteem, attraction factor and MORE please check out my website.


Lanie’s Website

Steps to Attract Men With Remote/Psychic Seduction

1.  Get into a relaxed state of mind and try to get your mind into the alpha state.  It is the perfect state of mind because you’re able to tap into the universal energy.

2.  When you connect with your POI take your time to engage all of your senses.  Touch them, feel them, smell them and make the encounter as real as possible.

3.  Your POI will begin to feel powerful emotions toward you so treat them as you normally would.  Don’t be coy, flirtatious, aggressive or anything out of the ordinary.  Give them time to react to their emotions without “pushing the boundaries”.

4.  Get yourself aroused as well as your POI because that proves you are really connected.  Just as you can have an orgasm in your sleep, just by the power of your mind, you can get aroused enough during your visualization to really FEEL as if the encounter were real.

5.  After the visualization take time to bask in their energy, breathe in their essence, cuddle, kiss and bond.  Why?  You want more than a booty call so this ensures that they are emotionally attached.

6.  Remote seduction creates a bond between you and your POI that is like the feeling of “falling in love”.  If you believe it’s working, and it is, then you should not let fear and doubt creep in.

7.  You will be a magnet to all men so ENJOY IT!  Women should love the attention of the opposite sex as much as men love giving it.  Don’t sit around sad-faced because your POI isn’t beating down your door.  Enjoy the attention of others while you wait for him to react.

8.  You’ll get faster results if you use my guided BWD meditation because you will get into the magical manifesting faster, deeper and longer than trying to do it on your own.

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Lanie Stevens’ YouTube Channel

Let’s make 2018 one of the best years ever by learning powerful, transformative techniques to make positive changes to your life.  Even if you have a life that you’re pretty happy with it never hurts to learn new ways to make it even better.  I hope you will sign up for my YouTube Channel because I will be sharing advice on relationships, Law of Attraction techniques and how to have a better life.

As a life coach and relationship counselor it is my pleasure to help each and every person desiring change to assist them on their journey.  I hope you will join me in making 2018 a beautiful year to remember.  Happy New Year!

YouTube Channel


two feet making a sign for the letter V in the word love toned

“Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”  —  Parker Palmer

Loving yourself means that you honor yourself! Just as you honor others you will not allow someone to take advantage of you, abuse you, use you or be unappreciative of you. Because you love yourself you will set boundaries and not allow others to cross the boundaries. It’s when you don’t love and respect yourself that you allow others to disrespect you and mistreat you.

If you find yourself always doing more for others while receiving less, if you feel as if the world is on your shoulders, if you find that you give 100% in your relationship while your partner enjoys the fruits of your labor, and if you find yourself too exhausted to enjoy life then you are not loving yourself first. You have to take time to relax and regenerate! If you are the “giver” in your relationship, and your partner is the “taker”, some self-love is extremely important to your welfare.  Changing your belief about yourself will change the way you interact with others!

You may be under the misconception that sacrifice will make someone love you more and that is not the truth. Others will love and appreciate you when they feel you love, honor and appreciate yourself. Sacrificing for others does not make them respect you or love you! In fact, it may do just the opposite. You need to value and treasure yourself and what you have to offer to others. You are a unique, one-of-a-kind, beautiful soul and it is time you recognized and loved yourself AND your uniqueness.

One of the best ways to do this, especially if you have a hard time loving and accepting yourself, is through affirmations. Affirmations reinforce positive traits and as you listen or read the affirmations your mind set will begin to shift. It will be uplifting  to your soul, positive for your body and nurturing to your spirit. When is the last time looked in the mirror said “I love you”? Probably never! Maybe today is the day to begin!


Have the Relationship You Desire….

“You’re Not An Option…You’re a Priority”

Do you ever see the couple that seem to be totally in love and in touch with each other? It appears that there is no one else in the world except the two of them. It’s the kind of relationship that everyone admires and wants but few know the secret to having.   It isn’t that the couple love each other more than other couples do. They have the same financial struggles, child rearing problems, work difficulties, health issues and aging parents. But somehow this couple manages to stay together and become stronger, happier and more content than most couples.

The secret they have is that they have formed a “couple bubble” and no one else is part of the special bubble. Not their friends, not their relatives, not their children, not their jobs. It is only the two of them together in this bubble. Sometimes the bubble will form organically when people have the same priorities and ways they deal with stress and relationship issues. Sometimes it’s a learned behavior that requires paying attention to the relationship and giving it 100% of your effort.

How do you form the couple bubble? You must treat each other at all times with love, honesty and respect. That means that the relationship becomes your number one priority. You cannot place anyone else or anything else above your relationship! To do so would be inviting others into your sacred space.  Your mate needs to feel safe, secure and loved at all times. You will learn to deal with adversity by standing by your mate rather than pushing them out of the bubble. Since they are loved and treasured, and you would never treat them as an enemy, treat they as your ally and confidante.

  1. Confide in your mate BEFORE anyone else! If something good or bad happens in your life they are the first person you contact.
  2.  Don’t “win” an argument because if you do the relationship suffers. You must keep the relationship’s health at the forefront and put yourself second.  If either party “wins” then the relationship “loses”.
  3.  Deal with issues from the heart and not from a place of anger or resentment. There will be disagreements, as there are in all relationships, but you deal with them by being “kind, honest and specific”. This means you will honor your mate as well as the relationship at all times.
  4.  You must have a willing partner! You can’t force someone to be in this bubble with you because to do so will cause it to ultimately fail. Your mate must have the same desire to make your relationship work that you do and must commit to paying attention that the bubble is never “popped”. If it is, you both are aware and immediately repair the damage before it is too late.

As a relationship expert I have written a series of books available on amazon.com and offer private email counseling through my website.  Don’t wait until your relationship is in a critical stage to make necessary improvements and changes.




When you tap into the universal energy and morphic field of “LOVE” anything and everything is possible!  You could go about your life and try to attract love by using all your womanly wiles but why wouldn’t you want to get fast, effective and sometimes immediate results?   Use psychic seduction and a love spell to completely seduce your man.

A “love spell” uses the energy that powers the entire universe and if you are trying to manifest using your own energy it is like comparing a AAA battery to a nuclear power plant.  Which one do you think would be most effective?

I have been counseling and teaching women my method for over 20 years but now I am offering my expertise and knowledge with a series of “FOR WOMEN ONLY” books available on amazon.com.  My guided meditations allow you to supercharge your manifesting!  Capture him with your beauty, with your brains, with your body AND with an easy “love spell”.  Ssssshhhh, it will be our secret!

Check out my book:  MANIFESTING LOVE: Using the Power of “LOA”, “EFT” & a “Love Spell”.


Manifest Love



My book will teach you the Law of Attraction, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and a Love Spell to supercharge your love life.  If you want to change your current reality, and create a life you’ve only dreamed possible, please check out my new book that was released on Valentine’s Day!

I have been counseling women for 20+ years and there hasn’t been one of them who hasn’t benefited from my techniques.  If you are open to change, desire love in your life, and want to live an empowered and “magical” life   —  now is the time to start.

Manifesting Love:  Using the Power of “LOA”, “EFT” and a “Love Spell” 

Also, my meditations are great to get you into the magical world of the “alpha state” of mind where it is easy and effortless to manifest your desires.


New Book Release


What is the new book about?  The mistakes women make after a breakup, whether it has been a while or was recent, are so numerous that I wanted to guide you through the process.  I don’t want you to alienate your man until he blocks you out of his life for good.  The book can assist you even if it is an old heartache but especially if you are in the middle of a nasty breakup.

Ten chapters of empowerment for you include:

  •  Why no contact?
  •   Why there is a good chance if he loved you once he will love you again
  •   Why remaining friends is not recommended
  •   How to stay strong
  •   Whether he is worth the effort
  •   First contact, what to do, how to act
  •   Getting him to commit  —  after all, you don’t want the same selfish man back!

I think you will enjoy the book!  Check out my meditations if you haven’t gone to my website yet!  From remote seduction to weight loss and orgasms (yes, there is even one for that) you will find a plethora of subjects to empower you!

If you haven’t read my best selling books “Pussy Whip” or “How to Make Him Burn With Desire” they are must reads!  There is nothing more powerful than my secret technique that I teach you in my books.  It is the Law of Attraction on steroids with very specific directions.

I can’t wait to read your success stories and feedback on my new book!

Join my forum for excellent support and advice!  LANIE’S FORUM “FOR WOMEN ONLY”


New Year Resolution – Focus On YOU!


“If you are hung up on your “ex” whether it was your love, your boyfriend or your husband NOW is the time to move forward.  The new year is an excellent time to “Cut the Cord” with him and attract positive things in your life.”

I am a relationship expert and I have counseled thousands of women all wanting the same thing.  LOVE!  I deal with broken hearts and women who have lost all hope of getting their “ex” back or finding new love.  Women who have put 100% of their effort into their relationship and given total control of their lives up to their mates.  Honestly, think about this for a moment….would you desire someone who clung to you like they would die if you were out of their sight?  Would that make you want to be with them more or less?  It may feel good at first but then you would feel smothered, irritated and stuck.  Being needy is not an attractive trait from either side.  Let’s break the neediness and replace it with a new, powerful YOU!

My suggestion for the new year is for ALL women who have been mourning the loss of a mate to move forward in 2017.  Don’t allow yourself to be stuck thinking about someone 24/7 because when you do it means that they are still in control.  You are at a distinct disadvantage because they are living their life, enjoying their life and you are miserable and stuck in the past.  There is no bigger waste of energy than to focus on the past.  You cannot change it!  The only moment in time that you have control over is this very second so make the most of it.

I challenge you to focus on YOU right now!  Focus on getting healthy, losing a few extra pounds or getting in shape, meeting new friends or potential partners, changing your wardrobe, your job, your hairstyle, your makeup and your life.  Stop focusing on all the things you don’t have and feel gratitude for the things you do have!  Take a few minutes every day to meditate and feel the peaceful state of total relaxation to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul.  If you like guided meditations go to my website and check out meditations designed to empower women specifically.  Everything from losing weight, creating health to controlling the “ex” through specific, targeted visualizations that will make him literally feel you as clearly as if you were whispering in his ear.

New year and new YOU!  The powerful, wonderful, strong and desirable woman that every man would be lucky to have.  Happy New Year!