Manifest Love



My book will teach you the Law of Attraction, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and a Love Spell to supercharge your love life.  If you want to change your current reality, and create a life you’ve only dreamed possible, please check out my new book that was released on Valentine’s Day!

I have been counseling women for 20+ years and there hasn’t been one of them who hasn’t benefited from my techniques.  If you are open to change, desire love in your life, and want to live an empowered and “magical” life   —  now is the time to start.

Manifesting Love:  Using the Power of “LOA”, “EFT” and a “Love Spell” 

Also, my meditations are great to get you into the magical world of the “alpha state” of mind where it is easy and effortless to manifest your desires.


New Book Release


What is the new book about?  The mistakes women make after a breakup, whether it has been a while or was recent, are so numerous that I wanted to guide you through the process.  I don’t want you to alienate your man until he blocks you out of his life for good.  The book can assist you even if it is an old heartache but especially if you are in the middle of a nasty breakup.

Ten chapters of empowerment for you include:

  •  Why no contact?
  •   Why there is a good chance if he loved you once he will love you again
  •   Why remaining friends is not recommended
  •   How to stay strong
  •   Whether he is worth the effort
  •   First contact, what to do, how to act
  •   Getting him to commit  —  after all, you don’t want the same selfish man back!

I think you will enjoy the book!  Check out my meditations if you haven’t gone to my website yet!  From remote seduction to weight loss and orgasms (yes, there is even one for that) you will find a plethora of subjects to empower you!

If you haven’t read my best selling books “Pussy Whip” or “How to Make Him Burn With Desire” they are must reads!  There is nothing more powerful than my secret technique that I teach you in my books.  It is the Law of Attraction on steroids with very specific directions.

I can’t wait to read your success stories and feedback on my new book!

Join my forum for excellent support and advice!  LANIE’S FORUM “FOR WOMEN ONLY”


New Year Resolution – Focus On YOU!


“If you are hung up on your “ex” whether it was your love, your boyfriend or your husband NOW is the time to move forward.  The new year is an excellent time to “Cut the Cord” with him and attract positive things in your life.”

I am a relationship expert and I have counseled thousands of women all wanting the same thing.  LOVE!  I deal with broken hearts and women who have lost all hope of getting their “ex” back or finding new love.  Women who have put 100% of their effort into their relationship and given total control of their lives up to their mates.  Honestly, think about this for a moment….would you desire someone who clung to you like they would die if you were out of their sight?  Would that make you want to be with them more or less?  It may feel good at first but then you would feel smothered, irritated and stuck.  Being needy is not an attractive trait from either side.  Let’s break the neediness and replace it with a new, powerful YOU!

My suggestion for the new year is for ALL women who have been mourning the loss of a mate to move forward in 2017.  Don’t allow yourself to be stuck thinking about someone 24/7 because when you do it means that they are still in control.  You are at a distinct disadvantage because they are living their life, enjoying their life and you are miserable and stuck in the past.  There is no bigger waste of energy than to focus on the past.  You cannot change it!  The only moment in time that you have control over is this very second so make the most of it.

I challenge you to focus on YOU right now!  Focus on getting healthy, losing a few extra pounds or getting in shape, meeting new friends or potential partners, changing your wardrobe, your job, your hairstyle, your makeup and your life.  Stop focusing on all the things you don’t have and feel gratitude for the things you do have!  Take a few minutes every day to meditate and feel the peaceful state of total relaxation to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul.  If you like guided meditations go to my website and check out meditations designed to empower women specifically.  Everything from losing weight, creating health to controlling the “ex” through specific, targeted visualizations that will make him literally feel you as clearly as if you were whispering in his ear.

New year and new YOU!  The powerful, wonderful, strong and desirable woman that every man would be lucky to have.  Happy New Year!


Get Your Sexy Back!


Are you in a sexual rut?  Feeling like sex is the last thing on your mind?  You can change that today by easily and effectively changing the way you think.  Sure, that sounds too good to be true and too easy but it isn’t.

Your mind is a powerful tool and with my meditations/hypnosis MP3s available on my website you can get your sexy back in no time at all.  In fact, one session will start you on a new direction.  Orgasm?  Overcoming frigidity?  Remote Seduction?  Lack of confidence?  It happens to us all but you have the power and ability to go from “hot mess to GODDESS” in just a matter of minutes.

Your sexual attraction begins in your mind and the way you mentally see yourself.  Programming your mind is so easy to do BUT it is difficult to accomplish on your own.  Your subconscious mind desires for you to be what you see yourself to be but when you are feeding it negative thoughts it produces negative results.

There are over 40 meditations designed to empower you, make you feel sexy and desirable, change your relationships, control your man, attract money, lift your spirits and turn you into a LOVE GODDESS on my website.  Is it worth a few minutes a day to feel like a hot, sexy, desirable babe again?  😉


Relationship Mistakes Women Make


You know the saying “all is fair in love and war” but it seems to me, after 20 years of counseling women, that women can be their own worse enemy when it comes to relationships.  Do you see yourself in the following examples?

  • Your mate says “you’re too needy” and rather than back off and prove that you are an independent woman you stalk him which further alienates him.
  • Your ex states that he “hates drama” so you throw a temper tantrum when he blocks you from social media and his phone after a nasty breakup.
  • He says “I want to date other women” and you make the excuse that he loves you too much and is afraid of commitment so he gets a free pass while you sit at home alone and miserable.
  • He tells you that he cares for you as a “friend with benefits” woman and, although you want an engagement ring, you agree to be that for him thinking you can change his mind in time.
  • He may be honest and upfront by stating that “he never wants to get married” but you are positive that sex will be so awesome he will change his mind so you stay in a relationship for years and “waste your pretty” on him rather than find a man who is available.
  • When he tells you all the things that are wrong with you (or the relationship) you try convincing him that you are “the perfect woman for him” and he could never find anyone who would love him more.

Women love to make over things so part of the problem is the challenge of getting someone to change.  How many of your friends (or even yourself) have said “with a different hairstyle, clothes, personality, money, sexual appeal, etc.” he COULD BE the perfect mate.  He isn’t at the moment but if he changes he has potential!

When a man states emphatically that the relationship is not going anywhere I beg you to listen to him.  In the off-chance that he does change his mind he will hunt you down and crawl on his hands and knees to propose to you.  But, don’t hold your breath.  Why?  One big reason is that men do not respect women and hold them in high regard if they do not have self-esteem.

Let’s be truthful, if you have self-esteem you will not allow a man to treat you disrespectfully and/or take up your precious time to be a play toy.  You are honest and upfront and have no hidden agenda.  If you desire a monogamous relationship you won’t settle for less.  If you desire marriage you don’t pretend to be a free spirit who never wants to be tied down.  In other words, you are the person you are and you are proud of it!  He will always know what your standards are and that you will never be a doormat for him, or anyone else.

I write books about relationships but I have counseled women for many years on relationships, law of attraction, self-esteem issues and empowerment.  If you want to learn more about any of these subjects I hope you will go to my website because between my books and meditations you will find yourself growing stronger and more powerful day-to-day.   Do it for yourself but remember that “men love women who love themselves”.


Psychic Touch – Can It Sexually Stimulate?


Psychic Touch is real and it works!  It is the art of getting yourself into a relaxed, meditative state of mind (alpha state) and visualizing and imagining the person you desire in an intimate scenario.  It absolutely and totally works and they feel you, think of you and they desire you.  Best of all, they believe the thoughts are originating within them and have no idea you are controlling it!   Remote Seduction Meditation

It is no secret that our thoughts are projected to others.  Think of how many times you think of someone then run into them or have them call or text.  You were unintentionally messaging each other and projecting your thoughts ahead of your actions.  When you use Psychic Touch there will frequently be a feeling of “actual” sexual intimacy between both partners.  It is so real, so intimate that it is second only to an actual sexual encounter.

My books teach you how use a secret technique to engage your partner and it intensifies the effect 1,000 more than just a single, solitary thought.  Using my technique before visualizing touching, kissing and caressing you partner will absolutely drive them wild with passion.  You want him to desire you?  Stimulate him and make him desire you through the power of your wonderful, passionate thoughts.

Never underestimate the power of your mind.  Learn how to reach your partner any time of the day or night and have them think of you—and only you!  Learn Psychic Touch from a person who has practiced it for 20 years and is a master at Remote Seduction.    “How To Make Him Burn With Desire”

Spice Up Your Sex Life


I taught you in my books “Pussy Whip” and “How to Make Him BURN” the techniques to contact your man with your mind but you can also spice up your sex life the same way.  Sure it’s great to get yourself hot looking and men are very visual but they are also very mental.  One of the best ways to enhance your sex life is to send your guy messages throughout the day that he receives in a most unusual way.  No, not texting or sexting!

Use the power of your mind to contact your man and visualize yourself being intimate, sexual, sensual and erotic with him.  Hey, don’t laugh!  Your mind is the most powerful organ in your body and it has the power and ability to contact anyone at anytime.  I’m sure you have experienced thinking of someone just seconds before your phone rings.  They were thinking of you and sending you waves of energy that you picked up.

Now imagine the power of your mind when you actually intentionally direct your thoughts to someone.  They have no ability to stop your message and it will arrive with an added benefit…..EMOTION!  Don’t believe me?  Go read the posts on my FORUM and you be amazed at the number of women who have used my “secret technique” and have had great success.  Or, go to another forum I am only a member of named LIPSTICK ALLEY and there are over 100,000 women who have read the posts.  Trust me, I do not exaggerate and you can read the facts on these forums or on my page.

So spice up your love life by having a little foreplay BEFORE he comes to pick you up for a date or gets home from work and see how much desire he has for you!  Don’t let your relationship get boring and old.  Give him a wave of energy sure to make him fall more in love with you as you take control of your hotness and your man!

Love at First Site Technique


Can you really make someone fall in love with you at first sight?  In a way, yes.  You can create a feeling of love, lust and a “head over heels” feeling when you first meet someone. You can give them the feeling of butterflies and make their heart pitter patter!

How?  There are two ways to do it and they can be used on a stranger or on your mate to ignite passion and the feeling of “falling in love” all over again.

  1.  First of all, look into the person’s eyes.  Not casually looking at them or glancing around the room like you’re paying attention to them part of the time.  But really, really look into their eyes as if you can see deep into their soul.  This creates a feeling of excitement and expectation in the person you are looking at.  They actually feel a feeling that is akin to love.  As if they have known you forever….or want to know you forever!  It gives them butterflies and anticipation of what’s to come!  An excitement that will stay in their memory banks forever.
  2. Next, as you are gazing into their eyes and hanging onto every word send them thoughts that will bond them to you and want to know you like they have never wanted to know anyone before.  How do you do that?  While paying attention ONLY to their eyes (not nose, mouth, forehead, etc) think the thought that you want them to think and feel the feelings you want them to feel.  For instance, you want them to want you sexually?  Think the thought “you desire me” and feel the emotion of being desired.  You want them to think you are the hottest person alive?  Think the thought “you love the way I look” and feel the emotion of them admiring your appearance.  Have an adversary?  When you speak to them think the thought “you like me” and change your attitude about their feelings toward you to reflect the thought.  Watch your life change!  “Thoughts are things and they are powerful!”

I teach women all over the world to change their mate’s actions, thoughts and feelings towards them with my books.  I also have meditations that will empower you and assist you in getting the man you want AND make your self-esteem skyrocket.

Take a look at my website and meditations.  Your life will never be the same!

Lanie’s Books & Meditations

Attract Your “EX” Back


I don’t know why women want their “ex” back to be honest but I was one of the ones who did and I got him back using my “secret technique”.  If things were that great to begin with there wouldn’t have been a breakup but the minute he’s gone women go insane until he comes back.  Is there a way to get him back without groveling, chasing and humiliating yourself?  Absolutely!

I write books to empower women and although the titles are salacious they are really about the power of the mind and using the Law of Attraction.  Sounds simple doesn’t it?  Either simple or insane!  Using your mind to get your man back!  Lanie, are you serious?  Until you try my “secret technique” you will never, ever believe what you can do with it.

If you want your “ex” to come crawling back or if you want your current mate to change his behavior you absolutely can change his behavior AND his thoughts.  I am not making this up nor am I exaggerating the results.  Go to my website and read for yourself from forum members and they will confirm what I am telling you.  Lanie’s Forum

In my book Pussy Whip – Proven, Powerful “Secret Technique” Controls Your Man I tell you exactly the simple steps to get your man back.  Would I call it a “trick” necessarily?  No, but it is a powerful method that may seem like one.  The fact is that it works!  But don’t just take my word for it — TRY IT!

If you want to learn how to instantly manifest and get into the “magical subconscious state of mind” try my meditations.  They will take you deep into a place where anything and everything can be manifested because you are in a relaxed, peaceful, manifesting mode.  They will make things happen faster and empower you in many ways!  They are only available on my website:  SPECIAL & UNIQUE MEDITATIONS

My goal is to help women and teach them to never, ever feel sad, depressed or victimized.  You can control your future, your mate and his thoughts and feelings.  I hope you will take the opportunity to re-direct your life.  It is easier than you can imagine!  Power and love to my “sisters”!

Powerful Remote Seduction MP3


Remote seduction is using the power of your mind and intent to contact the person you desire.  Just a thought will rarely work but when you get into a deep, meditative state of mind (the manifesting state of mind) and contact the person using my “secret technique” it will instantly work like magic.  No other technique can do what mine but you have to try it to believe it!

This is from an email I received today from a reader of my book How to Make Him BURN With Desire…Only for YOU.  I don’t think she will mind if I post her email because I will leave her name private.  This is a sample of emails that I receive daily from women all over the world!

Hello. I stumbled upon your 3 series books and was surprised when I reached the section of the mind power (I stared with Make Him Burn with Desire). This was/is different than any of the other 50+ books that I read about getting, then keeping my new boyfriend, bringing him back after he drifted due to a “hiccup” last Thursday. He barely spoke to me for three days.

So all that to say, that I did your exercises, the visualization and all, three times this past Sunday. By Monday he was calling me as a different man. Begging to come over and when he did, we barely got out of bed for two days and it was much more than just sex. We had the deepest connection since our relationship began and it is incredible.

I don’t fully understand your methods, but you made a believer out of me. And I just wanted to say – THANK YOU! You gave me hope when I was hopeless and you very well may have saved our relationship.

The power of the mind is truly incredible and I teach you how to use it in an effective and powerful manner.  No other book will teach you what I teach you and no other guided meditation will have the power and ability to immediately contact the person you desire to get in touch with.  My technique is unique in every way!

I am truly a woman who loves to empower, guide and enrich women’s lives.  Please go to my website and see if my meditations resonate with you because your life will change if you are open to enriching your life.  By the way, they are SO INEXPENSIVE right now because I want ALL women to have the ability to afford them.


I look forward to hearing your success stories!